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Ally Couchman


Ally Couchman

Ally started at eftec in June 2023 where has worked primarily on natural capital projects, undertaking economic analysis and report writing. Ally’s recent projects include helping a client with their green finance strategy, identifying the ecological, economic and financial feasibility of land management changes on a county level, building a baseline natural capital account to inform green investment in an urban environment, analysing the potential demand and supply for the Biodiversity Net Gain market and helping to draft a methodology guidance for ecosystem service assessment in a rail infrastructure context.

Ally has a background in accounting, administration and management in the horseracing industry in Ireland and, prior to joining eftec, worked to help businesses in Ireland account for their impacts and dependencies on biodiversity for CSRD reporting.

Ally holds an MSc in Environmental Economics and a HDip Economics from Galway University in Ireland.  As part of her Masters she undertook an internship at Trinity College, Dublin, researching agroecosystem services for the Farm Zero C project and writing her dissertation on the role of Irish dairy farm management practices in optimising ecosystem service delivery.

Since October 2024 Ally has been based in Ireland where she now works concurrently for eftec and eftec Ireland.

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