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The financial opportunity of a circular economy by removing hazardous chemicals from waste flows

Title: The financial opportunity of a circular economy by removing hazardous chemicals from waste flows

Client: ChemSec

Year: 2020

Service area(s): Chemicals Policy, Policy Design

Country/Region: EU

eftec team: Rohit Mistry, Thea Sletten, Innes Armstrong

About the project:

Before plastic or textile products can be recycled, chemicals within them often need to be removed. This is not always technically feasible or cost-effective. It is more cost-effective to avoid using such chemicals in the first place than try to remove them once the products enter the waste streams.

The purpose of this report, commissioned by ChemSec, with financial support from the Laudes Foundation, was to highlight the opportunities available to business from the removal of hazardous chemicals contained within these products. The report also contains a discussion on the technological and legislative challenges of tackling the problem of plastic and textile waste in the environment. 

eftec, in collaboration with partners Logika Group, carried out the analysis and produced charts comparing various financial opportunities for growth over the period of 2020 to 2050 are also provided.

Client feedback:

“I much appreciated the professional approach to project planning and communication as well as the specific and unique expertise of eftec. And perhaps more important, the interesting discussions where we together could take steps further in quite a difficult and complex task. - ChemSec, 2021

Click here for the report

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